Jargon differences in JavaScript
While doing a coding challenge for a job application, I ran into an issue where jargon from other languages were used that I was unfamiliar with.
In Python, it’s called a segment but in JavaScript, it’s a slice. If asked about a segment, it’s asking about a sliced section of an Array, string, Typed Array or NodeList.
In Python, arrays are most commonly referred to as lists but can also be referred to as ‘Vectors’
“Heaps and Hashmaps/Dictionaries”
Heaps are a special type of tree that doesn’t exist in JavaScript. Hashmaps are essentially Javascript Objects.
In python, tuples are ordered, immutable collections of elements that JavaScript doesn’t have a counterpart for.
Probably not super helpful but to define a function, ‘def’ is used in Python.
There are other differences but these seemed to be the most relevant.