python jargon

Jargon differences in JavaScript

While doing a coding challenge for a job application, I ran into an issue where jargon from other languages were used that I was unfamiliar with.


In Python, it’s called a segment but in JavaScript, it’s a slice. If asked about a segment, it’s asking about a sliced section of an Array, string, Typed Array or NodeList.


In Python, arrays are most commonly referred to as lists but can also be referred to as ‘Vectors’

“Heaps and Hashmaps/Dictionaries”

Heaps are a special type of tree that doesn’t exist in JavaScript. Hashmaps are essentially Javascript Objects.


In python, tuples are ordered, immutable collections of elements that JavaScript doesn’t have a counterpart for.


Probably not super helpful but to define a function, ‘def’ is used in Python.

There are other differences but these seemed to be the most relevant.


What I learned:


This will shave off anything after a decimal point.


Put this in a loop and it will cycle through digits starting in the ones place, then shift the decimal point over so the previous tens place is now the ones place, etc.

Why I needed it

The coding challenge was to add the last digit of a number, if the sum is greater than 10, drop the carried one and move on to the next digit. For example, instead of:

990 + 47 = 1037

The answer would drop all carried ones. So the answer would be:

990 + 47 = 937

So I had this long, convoluted code cycling through everything and setting digits to variables and looping through them. I got super close to the correct answer before giving up. I got to the point that I was assigning sums of digits to an array before .joining them together but it wasn’t working for the final digit if the 2 parameters (the numbers to sum) were of different lengths. I figured there had to be a better way and the solution I found used Math.floor(number/10) in a loop to cycle through it all.

test method

I just discovered the .test() method. It returns true or false based on criteria.

The reason

I found the solution for a Code Arcade challenge as:

function solution(n) {
return /0[1-9]/.test(n);

The problem was to check to see if an integer’s roundness could be increased. At first I didn’t understand what that meant but the conclusion I reached was that we were testing to see if you could swap a 0 in a higher place value to one of a lower place value such that it would lead to having more trailing 0’s than it does currently. I got to the point where I could check its roundness and solved a couple of the test cases but only got has high as 8/10 solved before revealing the solutions.

If my understanding is correct, putting /text/ within the /‘s will search for that pattern. .text(n) is then taking /text/ and searching for it within ‘n’. So if we wanted to modify the above function to search to also include 0’s after the first, you could put /0[0][1-9]/ and it will search both things like the number ‘103’ and ‘1003’ whereas the first function only searched for ‘103’.


End of the first day

So I probably should have spent my day a little more prodcutively but I’ve really wanted to get a blog configured so I’d have a place to start writing things. I tried other blogging platforms and everything seemed too… I don’t know what. Centralized? I remember the days of LiveJournal when you could randomly stumble on a likemind’s posts and it was weird and crazy and the Internet was the wild west. Now I’m happy to just have a place to talk about what I do each day/week/period of time.

Anyway, I went to the library today, planning on heading back in tomorrow as well. Applying for jobs and getting the kids some much needed social interaction. Once I got home, I started looking through plugins and themes for this Hexo blog but ended up running into issues I didn’t feel like spending hours fixing so I’m just editing the default theme.

I’m going to try to go to bed early and read a bit.




Alright, so this is my actual first post. I wanted to find a blogging site that I could use to host thoughts/info/whatever but then I got the birght idea to see if someone already made something easy to deploy on Vercel since I already deployed a couple things there. I found Hexo and an hour or so later, here we are! I’m sure there are things I still need to figure out and reconfigure but I’m ready to start writing things down now. I’m going to test a few things.

First thing’s first, tables:

Date Company Title Site URL
1/4/2023 Zenfeat React Native Mobile App Developer LinkedIn Job Link

That’s a job I applied to today.

Anyway, I don’t think I’m going to edit this blog a whole lot. It’ll just end up being text.

A bit about me

I’m a dad and husband, I lost my job a month ago and I’m looking for my first role as a software engineer. I don’t believe in social networks, especially posting my kids on them so this little blog is intended to be the entirety of my web presence. Though I haven’t been fully tested, my therapist has suggested that I check a lot of the boxes for ADHD. One of those boxes is my inability to pick a hobby and stick with it, but a few have survived my attention span and regularly give me doses of dopamine still. For one, I’m a self-taught guitarist and making music has always been part of my life. And the other hobby that’s stood the test of time, but has been waning lately is gaming. Once I started a family and lost touch with a majority of my friends, video games slowly faded from my life. I still try to play but I’ve steadily lost interest over the last few years.

Alright, I”m gonna see how this looks.
Here’s an H3:


Hellow Orld!

I’m writing my first post. I’m excited to see what this looks like. I was afraid I was going to have to make this whole thing myself but it seems like I can pretty easily just add to this with some markdown.