Alright, so this is my actual first post. I wanted to find a blogging site that I could use to host thoughts/info/whatever but then I got the birght idea to see if someone already made something easy to deploy on Vercel since I already deployed a couple things there. I found Hexo and an hour or so later, here we are! I’m sure there are things I still need to figure out and reconfigure but I’m ready to start writing things down now. I’m going to test a few things.
First thing’s first, tables:
Date | Company | Title | Site | URL |
1/4/2023 | Zenfeat | React Native Mobile App Developer | Job Link |
That’s a job I applied to today.
Anyway, I don’t think I’m going to edit this blog a whole lot. It’ll just end up being text.
A bit about me
I’m a dad and husband, I lost my job a month ago and I’m looking for my first role as a software engineer. I don’t believe in social networks, especially posting my kids on them so this little blog is intended to be the entirety of my web presence. Though I haven’t been fully tested, my therapist has suggested that I check a lot of the boxes for ADHD. One of those boxes is my inability to pick a hobby and stick with it, but a few have survived my attention span and regularly give me doses of dopamine still. For one, I’m a self-taught guitarist and making music has always been part of my life. And the other hobby that’s stood the test of time, but has been waning lately is gaming. Once I started a family and lost touch with a majority of my friends, video games slowly faded from my life. I still try to play but I’ve steadily lost interest over the last few years.
Alright, I”m gonna see how this looks.
Here’s an H3: